As a reliable supplier of nuclear fuel and uranium enrichment services, TVEL Fuel Company strives to maintain its status and improve its business reputation to foreign customers. Achievement of strategic objectives by the Company directly depends on social and environmental acceptance in the regions and the territories of presence.
The Company developed strategic initiatives and target projects on social and economic development of the regions / territories of presence and ensuring their social stability. The “TVEL JSC Program for Regional Work and Social Projects” is being implemented, systematizing the experience in this area and including three groups of projects:
- formation and preservation of social accord environment in the territories of presence of TVEL Fuel Company;
- cooperation with local and regional public authorities with respect to the concept of the territories’ development, the growth of regional taxes and maintenance of social and economic stability;
- enhancement of social programs efficiency and social partnership development.
Regional work unit of TVEL JSC interacts with public and local authorities and sets goals and objectives for certain directions guided by:
- Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 14, 1992 No. 3297-1 “Concerning closed administrative-territorial entity”;
- Federal law of December 29, 2014 No. 473-FZ “About the territories of advanced social and economic development in the Russian Federation”;
- the commissions of the RF President on the issues of CATU development No. PR-335 d/d December 17, 2014
- the commissions of the Prime Minister of the RF No. DM-P16-1257 d/d February 21, 2014;
- the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 No. 204 “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”.
TVEL Fuel Company applies cooperation agreements with the regions of its presence as the main mechanism for supporting cities of presence.
In 2012 TVEL JSC initiated the drawing up and signing of Agreements on Cooperation between Rosatom and public authorities of the territorial entities of the Russian Federation. The agreements provide for comprehensive activities aimed at social and economic development of the regions and cities of presence of TVEL Fuel Company.
Presently there are agreements between Rosatom State Corporation and Sverdlovsk region, Irkutsk region, Tomsk region, Krasnoyarsk territory and the Udmurt Republic.
Annually local government bodies, regional government agencies and TVEL JSC develop and implement joint program of social and economic development of cities of presence of the Company’s enterprises within the scope of signed agreements.
Sverdlovsk region (CATU Novouralsk) | 300.0 |
Krasnoyarsk territory (CATU Zelenogorsk) | 32.3* |
the Udmurt Republic (Glazov) | 496.4 |
Irkutsk region (Angarsk) | 71.2 |
TOTAL | 899.9 |
TVEL Fuel Company is a major taxpayer in the budgets of various regions of the Russian Federation. Gross tax liabilities (actually paid) made RUB 15.1 bln in 2018. (RUB 14.6 bln in 2017).*
* The following taxes and contributions are accepted for calculation by organizations included in the Report outline:
- tax on profits paid by both organizations affiliated to the tax consolidated group and organizations that are not included in the tax consolidated group;
- insurance contributions to extrabudgetary funds;
- other taxes, fees and charges included in the expenses or the cost of non-current assets (corporate property tax, land tax, state fees, etc.).
The amount of VAT payable in 2016 amounted to RUB 6.1 bln, in 2017 – RUB 5.9 bln, in 2018 – RUB 7.2 bln.
Total tax payments paid (including VAT payable to the budget) in 2016 amounted to RUB 19.0 bln, in 2017 – RUB 20.5 bln, in 2018 – RUB 22.3 bln.
Regional work unit of TVEL JSC continuously monitors the share of enterprise employees in the urban population.
Angarsk (AECC JSC and subsidiaries) | Irkutsk region | 0.77 |
Vladimir (Tochmash VPA JSC and subsidiaries) | Vladimir region | 0.54 |
Kovrov (KMZ JSC and subsidiaries) | Vladimir region | 2.33 |
Glazov (ChMP JSC and subsidiaries) | Udmurt Republic | 7.74 |
Zelenogorsk (PA ECP JSC and subsidiaries) | Krasnoyarsk territory | 8.31 |
Novouralsk (UEIP JSC and subsidiaries) | Sverdlovsk region | 7.98 |
Seversk (SGChE JSC and subsidiaries) | Tomsk region | 6.48 |
Elektrostal (MSZ JSC and subsidiaries) | Moscow region | 4.52 |
Creation of territories of advanced development is one of the cities development directions.
Establishment of TASED in CATU is aimed at creation of new jobs, increase of investment attractiveness of CATU and level of development as compared to the average level of social and economic development of the entities of the Russian Federation.
Rosatom State Corporation and TVEL Fuel Company have been actively and systematically working in this direction since 2014: from the development of comprehensive development programs and their coordination, first by regional authorities, and then by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the preparation and implementation of a plan for preventive measures, formation of TASED Managing company, to the release of Russian Federation Government Regulations and registration of the first residents.
In 2018, draft resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the establishment of the TASED in CATU Novouralsk, Seversk and Glazov were approved by federal authorities and sent for signing by the Government of the, Russian Federation. Application for establishment of TASED in CATU Zelenogorsk was approved by the government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Rosatom State Corporation, the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and sent to the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation.
To attract residents to TASED / industrial parks of the territories of presence of TVEL Fuel Company, as well as to identify and develop joint business projects of the second business core, to organize cooperative relations, a working group was established by the order of TVEL JSC to interact with regional authorities, business and scientific communities.
In the furtherance of strategic goal on non-nuclear businesses development, the work started in 2018 on the selection of, technological, commercial, scientific, educational and other partners outside TVEL JSC in the regions of the Company presence.
This activity has become a new direction for TVEL JSC. Interaction with regional authorities, business and scientific communities was carried out aimed at identification and development of joint business projects of the second core, establishment of cooperation, attraction of residents to TASED, industrial parks and clusters.
A series of meetings were held during 2018 in conjunction with the Vice President’s Unit for Strategic Development and Marketing with government representatives to identify possible points of cooperation, they took part in strategic sessions and start-up tours with the participation of regional leaders, industrial and scientific enterprises. Following this activity, agreements and 5 roadmaps for business partnership development were signed (2 maps with the Irkutsk region, 1 map with the Novosibirsk, Vladimir regions and the Udmurt Republic).
The presentations of the Fuel Company informed the representatives of regional scientific and industrial complexes about the existing and potential competencies of TVEL JSC, as well as other divisions of Rosatom State Corporation, and to identify specific mutually beneficial projects.
TASED (territory of the advanced social and economic development) - is the part of a territorial entity of the Russian Federation with the special legal regime for entrepreneurial and other activities
During the Russian Investment Forum held in Sochi on February 15-16, 2018, the President of TVEL JSC N.V. Nikipelova met with authorities of the Vladimir, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk regions, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Udmurt Republic on the development of cooperation and interaction. They signed an Agreement with the Government of the Irkutsk region on cooperation and interaction in establishment and development of an industrial park at AECC JSC industrial site.
AECC JSC can offer for lease more than 20 thousand square meters of free production capacities in a protected area with engineering and logistics infrastructure. The site has considerable reserve energy resources (electricity, heat supply, water supply), wherein industrial facilities of 1 and 3 hazard classes are allowed at the territory.
AECC JSC has already received for consideration the first offers from potential investors and residents on the placement of new production facilities at industrial site
In February 2019, Seversk, Novouralsk and Glazov got the TASED status. About 3 thous. jobs will br created there in the nearest three years
Complaints and appeals handling is performed in conformity with the Federal Law “On the procedure of handling appeals filed by citizens of the Russian Federation” No. 59-FZ d/d May 2, 2006. Feedback is mandatory, all appeals and responses are recorded.
Appeals are lodged directly to TVEL JSC, and received from the Rosatom hotline and from the state authorities.
To establish direct communication “Employee-President of TVEL JSC”, the so called “post boxes” were installed in all subsidiaries of the Company, thus any employee may address the top management of TVEL Fuel Company confidentially. Besides, one can address directly the President of TVEL JSC on Company’s official website or intercorporate intranet portal.
Engagement of other Rosatom divisions
TVEL Fuel Company's contribution to social and economic development of territories of presence implies both participation in the regional and local budgets income base, and realization of comprehensive social and charity programs.
Social projects are main support activities in the cities of presence: initiatives implemented through the provision of free and charitable assistance. This assistance is aimed at social support and forms a social accord environment in the cities.
Since 2012 the Charity Council has been working within TVEL JSC; its functions include the determining of purposes and priority areas of charitable activity, approval of the budget and charity events, efficiency assessment of the charitable activity of TVEL FC, etc. 28 meetings of the Council were held in 2018, recorded in the minutes.
The Charity Council of TVEL JSC includes the heads of TVEL JSC responsible for economics and finance, personnel management, interaction with the regions, public relations. At the meetings, appeals for gratuitous aid received from citizens, organizations and authorities are considered.In rendering gratuitous assistance, the Regional work unit is guided with the following regulations:
- the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
- Federal Law 135 FL On Charitable Activities;
- the active methodological recommendations and the concept of charitable activities, approved by the decree of Rosatom State Corporation d/d February 18, 2010 No. 6-P;
- Order No. 1/597-P of Rosatom State Corporation of June 10, 2013 On the charitable activities of organizations of Rosatom State Corporation;
- Order of TVEL JSC of June 20, 2017,4/240-P On the implementation of regulations on charitable activities of TVEL JSC and the companies included in the management system of the Fuel Company;
- Order of TVEL JSC of July 3, 2017,4/255-P On the organization and holding of an open competition for the development and implementation of socially significant projects;
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 No. 204 “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”.
Within the budget, TVEL Fuel Company implements scheduled gratuitous initiatives, unscheduled and competitive. In 2018, the Company spent RUB 75 mln on scheduled initiatives, RUB 95.8 mln on unscheduled initiatives, and RUB 14.6 mln on competitive ones. The total amount of expenses for the provision of gratuitous assistance amounted to 184.6 million rubles.
Traditionally, the main areas of gratuitous assistance in TVEL Fuel Company are assistance to education, development of culture, sports and health care.
In 2018, TVEL Fuel Company began to introduce new approaches to improve the efficiency of charitable activities. In a number of initiatives, cash savings have been achieved. For example, implementation of the Lean Polyclinic project allowed to save RUB 0.8 mln from the budget of TVEL JSC (with preservation of the project effectiveness).
In autumn 2018, social projects contest was launched by TVEL JSC, 82 applications from non-profit organizations were received and processed. The most active were nonprofit organizations of the city of Glazov, they filed 32 applications.
In 2019, RUB 12 mln will be allocated from the TVEL JSC budget for the provision of gratuitous assistance to finance the winning projects.
#RosatomVMESTE contest was held in 2018 in 20 “atomic” cities as a sectoral framework for ongoing social projects.
Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom State Corporation:
“The production agenda of Rosatom is inextricably linked to the standard of living in our cities. You can not talk about production breakthroughs, if the territory does not develop. We wish to direct our strength and energy towards the development of social sphere, towards the development of life in the cities of the atomic industry. #RosatomVMESTE, on the one hand, is aimed at consolidating and strengthening the already existing projects of the State Corporation, our traditional activities: working with children and veterans, talented young people and large families.”
On the other hand, the project acquired a new quality, involving implementation of the word “together”: the cities could tell about themselves, their achievements and successes, learn more about each other, make new useful contacts, exchange experience and best practices.
TVEL Fuel Company was represented by CATU Seversk, CATU Zelenogorsk, CATU Novouralsk, Glazov. Contest projects are aimed at promoting the development of health care, culture, education, urban environment improvement.
Online voting of cities people and experts for the best social project | Following the voting, Udomlya, CATU Seversk, Glazov became the winners | |
Selection of best Social project coordinators | 6 of 13 candidates CV submitted for contest, cities of FC | |
City-scale activities on presentation of social projects | 185 events have been held involving more than 115 thous. persons | |
Presentation of city achievements and success | The stands presented unique Urals icon workshop from Novouralsk, zirconium produce from Glazov, taxidermy exhibits from Seversk museum displaying the diversity of Siberian wild life. Each participating city delivered a vivid presentation, city managers told about significant moments of cities history, achievements in culture, sports, education etc. The culmination of TVEL City Day was a show of amateur and professional artists |
A solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the largescale project #RosatomVMESTE took place on December 24, 2018 in Moscow, in the hall of the Zaryadye Park Media Center. In addition to commemorative diplomas, the heads of four cities, Glazov, Seversk, Novouralsk and Zelenogorsk, hosting the enterprises of TVEL Fuel Company received certificates from TVEL JSC to the amount of RUB 3 mln each.
Certificates were handed over by Natalia Nikipelova, President of TVEL JSC, who noted that more than 180 social events were organized in the cities in the framework of the contest, attended by nearly 120.000 residents. She thanked the city leaders for their involvement and enthusiasm and expressed confidence that the funds allocated will be used to support new interesting relevant projects.
Creation of new jobs and promotion of business environment in the cities of presence are priority directions of charitable activities for TVEL Fuel Company for the last five years.
For example, “Businessman of the Year” contests are held annually sponsored by TVEL Fuel Company to encourage the most effectively developing small and midsized business entities.
In 2013, the Entrepreneurial Development and Supporting Funds were organized in the territories of the Company’s presence in terms of co-funding with local authorities and government bodies of the RF constituent entities. The Funds issue loans, grants and subsidies to small and medium-sized business entities (SMBs) for the creation of new jobs, the development of new industries, participation in exhibitions and fairs and business missions.
Due to funds’ activities more than 1.8 thous. jobs were created in 2013-2018 in Glazov, CATU Zelenogorsk, Novouralsk, Seversk.
Glazov | 332 | 620 |
Zelenogorsk | 22 | 145 |
Novouralsk | 252 | 815 (including self-employed) |
Seversk | 92 | 269 |
TOTAL | 698 | 1,849 |
TVEL Fuel Company sponsors so called “AtomClasses”, operating in the cities of the Company’s presence (Angarsk, Glazov, Zelenogorsk, Kovrov, Novouralsk, Seversk, Elektrostal). The AtomClasses are specialized classes in best schools of the cities with advanced teaching of physics and mathematics. The specific feature of such classes is the profound study of nuclear physics and nuclear technologies.
The important part of the project is procurement of the advanced laboratory equipment for teachers to demonstrate innovative physical presentations, and for students of AtomClasses to have their training laboratory courses and to carry out research works. Such advanced training will help the students to succeed at academic competitions, contests, school children’s academic achievements festivals. Further on, the AtomClasses graduates will be able to continue their education in relevant technical universities.
School Technoparks
School Technopark network project is one the most important ones among educational projects. It is an educational environment that allows to integrate education, science and production resources to create conditions for innovative educational activities and is a network of laboratories created in 2016-2017 based on 4 schools of CATU Seversk, Novouralsk Lyceum No. 58, Glazov Physics and Mathematics Lyceum as well as 9 schools in CATU Zelenogorsk supported by TVEL Fuel Company.
The laboratories have modern high-tech equipment, the unity of the educational space is provided by programs in various areas: environmental monitoring, robotics and intelligent systems, 3D modeling and prototyping, chemical and biological research, lego - design, programmable material processing methods, chemical analysis, etc.
In 2018, 3 new laboratories were opened: a programming laboratory at the Glazov Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, a composite materials laboratory at the Novouralsk Lyceum No. 58 and an aerodesign and drones programming laboratory at the Lyceum No. 174 in Zelenogorsk. In total there are 28 laboratories.
Under the project, 68 scientific and technical educational programs are implemented in educational institutions of the cities of Glazov, Zelenogorsk, Novouralsk, Seversk involving in total 3.234 persons a year.
The laboratories work both during the school year and during the vacation time. For example, Seversk Physics and Mathematics Lyceum has specialized summer sessions in robotics held for 3 years for students of 4-6 classes
Another important stage in project implementation is cooperation with universities. At the moment, the network interaction format has been developed with Seversky Institute of Technology of MEPhI NRNU, RI TSU, FSBEI HE Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics in Seversk, with Izhevsk State Technical University in Glazov and Novouralsk technological Institute of MEPhI NRNU in Novouralsk. Representatives of universities act as managers and experts of students’ design and research work carried out in laboratories.
Special attention is paid to schoolchildren technical activities within the project. Municipal contests of design works in robotics and computer simulation were held in 2018 for the second time, 19 winners were selected.
On September 25-26, 2018, Interregional Stage of the School Technopark Projects Competition was held under the auspices of the 5th International Forum NDExpo 2018 - High Technologies for Sustainable Development, where the winners of municipal stages of contests presented their projects. Contests were held on the territory of the Skolkovo Technopark. 19 participants presented 16 projects.
There were 3 nominations; “The most commercially elaborated project”, “The most innovative project”, “The most original project”. Finally, 3 winning projects were selected:
- “Electronic sports scoreboard”, Glazov;
- “The program for training employees of SGChE JSC using virtual reality technology”, CATU Seversk;
- “Prototype of a scaled-down assembly model of KamAZ truck”, Zelenogorsk
Contests are aimed at stimulation of professional interest in engineering specialties among the younger generation, selection of gifted young people and supporting them in solving scientific and technical engineering problems in the field of innovative technologies, modeling, designing, as well as developing engineering and technical skills in students, promotion of computer modeling additionally to class hours.
Seversk | Zelenogorsk | Novouralsk | Glazov | TOTAL | |
Number of school technopark laboratories in the city | 5 | 4 | 15 | 4 | 28 |
Number of city secondary school students with access to school technopark infrastructure, pers. | 1,576 | 808 | 150 | 700 | 3,234 |
Share of city secondary school students with access to school technopark infrastructure, %. | 14.5 | 12.9 | 2.0 | 6.8 | - |
The number of design works created by students on the basis of school technoparks. | 99 | 43 | 25 | 18 | 185 |
Number of technical educational programs. | 17 | 27 | 9 | 15 | 68 |
Number of participants / prize winners of scientific and technical events (Olympiads, contests), pers. | 599/109 | 470/189 | 174/91 | 385/132 | 1,628/521 |
In 2018, cooperation with the Kurchatov Institute Research and Development Center was initiated in the main areas: methodological support, examination of School Technopark projects, and development of educational programs. We are looking ahead to sign in 2019 a cooperation roadmap and agreements between School Technoparks and the RDC.
In the sphere of health, TVEL JSC assists in improving the efficiency of medical institutions, improving living conditions of medical workers, acquisition of modern equipment and support of health facilities in the cities of presence.
The children’s clinics support is priority direction 2019
Lean Polyclinic
Lean Polyclinic is a key healthcare project. The project is aimed at enhancement of operating efficiency of medical and preventive institutions and the level of access to health care for the population of Glazov, Zelenogorsk, Novouralsk, Seversk.
Within the project, TVEL JSC allocated RUB 4.7 mln to the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Central Medical Unit No. 31 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia in Novouralsk” (children’s clinic). Due to the measures taken, the time spent by patients at the registry reduced almost twice and has become a third less in general; the time for preventive medical examinations of children reduced twice.
In Glazov, the project was implemented in Glazov Interdistrict Hospital and the Central Medical Unit No. 41 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia of Glazov.
Since 2017, TVEL JSC together with Rosatom State Corporation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has been participating in implementation of a largescale project Lean Polyclinic.
The main tasks of the project are to reformat the logistics of medical facilities’ processes, both for adults and children, to optimize the work at front desks and to shorten the patient’s polyclinic time
In adult polyclinic No. 2 of the Glazov Interdistrict Hospital, the time for preventive medical examination reduced by 40 times, the visit to the X-ray room reduced twice, 3-fold reduction of time spent in treatment room. In children’s polyclinic №3, 12- fold reduction of an appointment receipt time at the reception, the time for passing medical examination of children under 1 year reduced from 72 hours to 3.5 hours.
Central Medical Unit No. 41 received RUB 4.8 mln from TVEL JSC for project implementation in 2018. 2-fold reduction of the time for specialized doctors appointment. 3-fold reduction of blood sampling time, 2-fold for functional diagnostics time (from 1.320 to 660 seconds).
In Zelenogorsk, the main project participant was Clinical Hospital No. 42 of the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution Federal Siberian Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia PA ECP JSC allocated about RUB 8 mln to relevant activities. In adult clinic, 3-fold reduction of prescription time. In children’s polyclinic, the waiting time for receiving a medical service when visiting a pediatrician and specialized doctors was reduced from 90 to 40 minutes, 4-fold reduction of the waiting time in registry office, the time spent by patients to receive information services in the registry reduced from 10 to 3-5 minutes.
In adult polyclinic of Consultative and diagnostic center No.1 of Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution Siberian Federal Scientific and Clinical Center in Seversk, 2-fold reduction of the time of medical examination and blood sampling. In children’s polyclinic, the number of appointments through the registry reduced from 60% to 40%, and the number of online appointments increased to 30%. TVEL JSC allocated the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution Siberian Federal Scientific and Clinical Center RUB 4.7 mln in 2018. The main project activities will be completed in 2019.
Electronic work incapacity certificate service has been introduced by the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution Siberian District Medical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia in Novosibirsk, 5-fold reduction of time for service obtaining
In State Budgetary Healthcare Institution Clinical City Hospital No. 2 Polyclinic for adults No. 4 of the city of Kovrov, the time for passing a medical commission and drawing a sanatorium and health resort card form has become a one-third less. The time of the patient’s primary visit to a therapist reduced by 20%, the number of online appointments increased twice (from 5 to 10%).
Lean City project launched in 2018, before that it was implemented in 2 pilot cities: Glazov and Novouralsk.
3-4-fold reduction of the time for managerial decisions making and meetings holding in Glazov Gymnasium No. 14. 18 fold reduction of time for detection of failed utility consumption meters at Municipal Unitary Enterprise Housing and Utilities Directorate, and 2-fold reduction of labor input. The potential economic effect for the city is estimated at RUB 193 mln.
A project on optimization of laboratory monitoring of drinking water quality was implemented at MUE Vodokanal municipal unitary enterprise in Novouralsk. The sampling time of drinking water was reduced by a quarter, which makes it possible to assess quality of drinking water in the city more quickly and efficiently.
TVEL FC always applies the principles of transparency,* and constantly interacts with stakeholders, systematizes, analyses and takes into consideration their requests. This approach allows to respond quickly to potential risks related with stakeholders relations, in particular with those of social and reputation nature.
System of relationships with each group of stakeholders influences and will influence the operations of TVEL Fuel Company, that’s why due consideration of their interests in planning and in the course of daily operations is the most important condition of sustainable development. Analysis of the key events, major financial and production outcomes and the Company’s performance in the sphere of sustainable development demonstrates that social capital is among the major sources of business stability.
* With regards to objective restrictions of the nuclear industry.
In accordance with the Policy of ROSATOM applicable to public reporting, TVEL JSC generated the system of public reporting which represents the combination of elements, processes and connections between them ensuring the activity with regard to public reporting and its development.
The primary elements of the public reporting system are the following: the operational centre of responsibility, regulatory framework, the representatives of stakeholders (participating in preparation of the reporting data), and infrastructure support (consultative and instructional support, audit, etc.).
Documents governing the public reporting of TVEL JSC:
- The standard of public annual reporting of TVEL JSC;
- The rules of public annual reporting of TVEL JSC;
- Charter of the Committee Of Stakeholders of TVEL JSC;
- Charter of the Committee on Public Annual Reporting of TVEL JSC.
The operation of the public reporting system of TVEL JSC is based on the work of variety of subunits. The main functions are divided between the vice-presidents of TVEL JSC, the Committee on Public Annual Reporting of TVEL JSC, and the Information Policy and Communications Department.
The KPI card of the Head of Information Policy and Communications Department includes the index “Awards in Federal Contests”.
Public reporting system development in 2018:
- Audience building in dialogues with stakeholders in the course of preparing public reporting.
- Holding of a series of presentations of the Annual Report 2018 and its brief version at internal and external events.
Public reporting system improvement plans in 2019:
- Organization of a hotline and seminars on preparation of public reporting by subsidiaries, in particular, on practical issues of GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards application;
- Holding of a series of presentations of the Annual Report 2018 and its brief version at internal and external events.
- Advanced training of company's staff engaged in preparation of public reporting at specialized seminars and round-table conferences.
Group of stakeholders | Stakeholders' Key interests | TVEL Fuel Company's Key interests | Performance indicators for TVEL Fuel Company | Institutes and system-based interaction | Programs and events |
ROSATOM State Corporation | Efficiency; Quality. | Implementation of advanced management technologies; Efficiency. | Labor efficiency increase; Resource savin; Positive dynamics of financial, economic and production indicators. | ROSATOM Production System; Personnel Management System; Project management application. | PSD adoption; RPS training and development program; Small group leaders development program; Replication of information solutions for all enterprises; Organizational chart transformation. |
Consumers | Stability of supplies, price, quality and reliability of supplies, products and services. | Order stability; Market development; Growth of income. | Rise of income; Fuel failure probability decrease. | Long-term contracts; Satisfaction appraisal. | Feedback system; Quality appraisal; Expectation analysis. |
Subsidiary companies | Assistance to operating business and development of new ones; | Management efficiency; Earnings growth. | Dividend growth; Non-nuclear products sales volume. | Centralized management; Decomposition of business processes and information decisions. | Regulations; Feedback system; Intercorporate communications; Informing days; Industry-specific paper “Strana Rosatom”, “Element of the Future”. |
Labor collective and trade unions | Stable salary and payment; Socially responsible employer; Professional growth. | Effective work; Qualified staff; Employees loyalty. | Labor efficiency increase; Staff turnover reduction; Earnings growth; Salary growth. | Collective agreement; HR Policy; Values system; Intercommunication buildup design. | Staff development programs; Involvement assessment; Informing days; Social programs. |
Partners | Mutually beneficial cooperation; Competitiveness enhancement. | Growth of income; Client and resource base expansion. | Joint ventures; Joint projects and contracts. | Progress of key joint programs in Russia and abroad. | |
Suppliers | Procurement system transparency; Financial solvency; Orders stability. | Quality, stability and reliability of supplies; Favourable price. | Cost saving | Uniform Industrial Procurement Standard. | E-Procurement with feedback; Uniform Industrial Procurement Standard enforcement. |
Local authorities, regional authorities | Social and economic development of regions; New investors attraction; Formation of business environment; Employment of population; Ecology. | Stability in regions of presence; Staff density. | Unemployment level; Average salary; Tax allowances; Ecological situation; Number of new jobs. | Agreements with regional authorities; Agreement on consolidated taxpayer group formation; Entrepreneurship promotion funds; Upcoming: strategic development program for nuclear industry in CATU. | Joint social and charitable projects with authorities; Territory development programs (industrial parks, technoparks); Ecological reports; Meetings; Conferences; Dialogues; Nuclear Power Information Centers. |
Federal Authorities | Taxes; Ecology; Safety. | Financing; Legal framework perfection. | Scope of funding; Gross tax allowances; FTP indicators execution; Considered proposals on legal framework improvement. | Federal target programs; Intergovernmental agreements; Statutory legal acts. | FTP events; Compliance with terms of intergovernmental agreements; Participation in ROSATOM legislative initiatives. |
Public and Environmental Organizations | Compliance with legal requirements and international standards; Charity support. | Social stability in regions of presence. | Charity donations; Number of comments and suggestions. | Stakeholders’ commission; Public dialogues Charity council. | Public hearings on TVEL Fuel Company projects; Activities held in Information Centers of Nuclear Industry. |
Scientific and Expert Community | Order, funding and commercialization of prospective developments. | Breakaway developments. | R&D funding in universities. | Scientific and technical councils; Stakeholders’ commission; Public dialogues. | Programs for implementation of cooperation agreements between TVEL JSC and core universities. |
Stakeholders engagement events during the preparation of the 2018 Report
While preparing the Public Annual Report (hereinafter referred to as “the Report”) the principles of Standard AA1000APS were adhered to, in particular, the compliance of the information published with the requests of stakeholders involved was ensured. Two dialogues with stakeholders (live and off-site dialogues) were conducted to implement this principle, as well as public consultations on draft Report.
Participants of these dialogues were the representatives of Rosatom State Corporation, industry partner organizations, subsidiaries, environmental, public, trade union organizations, higher educational institutions, local governmental authorities, mass media, consultants and auditors.
In December 2018 TVEL JSC organized an off-site dialogue on the concept of Annual Report 2018. The Report concept developed by the Company with account of the proposals of stakeholders committee was presented; the participants gave recommendations which allowed to finalize and refine the concept of the Report.
In the course of the dialogue held on February 16, 2018, the matters of preparation of TVEL JSC Public Annual Report 2018 have been discussed, some outcomes 2018 have been summarized, priority issues to be disclosed in the Report have been stated:, New Businesses and Products of TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom.
TVEL JSC won the traditional contest of annual reports of “Expert RA” agency (RAEX) in nomination “The best disclosure of information on sustainable development activities in the annual report”.
Efficiency improvement and sustainable development were identified as the priority themes of the JSC Annual Report 2017. Special attention in the text of the report was paid to projects in the field of operational efficiency, as well as environmental protection issues, corporate social responsibility, the contribution of TVEL JSC and the Fuel Company enterprises to social and economic development of the regions of presence.
A total of 95 reports participated in the rating. All reports were divided into five levels: top quality - “5 stars”, very high quality– “4 stars”, high quality– “3 stars”, acceptable quality– “2 stars”, satisfactory quality– “1 star”.
The TVEL JSC annual report was awarded the highest 5 stars rating.
Besides, UEIP JSC annual report was awarded the 4 stars rating.
The draft annual report of TVEL JSC 2018 prepared subject to the comments made by stakeholders in the course of the dialogues was presented during the public consultations on April 29, 2019. Following the events, proposals were made by stakeholders on information disclosure in the Report.
The table specifying the stakeholders’ comments is given in an interactive version of the Report. The minutes of the dialogues are available at: tvel.ru/finance/annual_report/dialog/
During the preparation of this Report, rank chart of stakeholders was updates: the influence of TVEL Fuel Company activities on stakeholders was assessed and the influence of stakeholders on the Company.