The main goal of the scientific and engineering efforts of TVEL Fuel Company is to ensure competitiveness of the products and safety of production and operation.
The research and development (R&D) scope of the Company is defined by the decisions of the management of Rosatom State Corporation, contractual obligations, and is subject to revision on an annual basis at the meetings of the Scientific and Technical Council No. 2 of Rosatom State Corporation - “Nuclear Materials and Technologies of Nuclear Fuel”, the STC of TVEL JSC sections.
The main regulating documents of R&D activity of TVEL JSC with regard to nuclear fuel for NPP are the following:
- Federal Target Program “New Age Nuclear Energy Technologies 2010-2015 and up to 2020”;
- ROSATOM Program for Innovative Development and Technological Modernization for the Period up to 2030 (public part);
- Long-Term Program “Nuclear Fuel and Efficient Fuel Cycles at Russian NPPs for 2012-2016 and up to 2020”;
- Work program for implementation of new types of fuel and fuel cycles at NPP with VVER reactors for 2016-2020 and up to 2025 (Rosenergoatom Concern JSC - TVEL JSC);
- R&D program of ROSATOM for increase of fuel life of FN reactors;
- R&D program of ROSATOM for formation of FN-800 core with full loading with MOX-fuel;
- Annual plan of TVEL JSC for R&D and engineering services within the frameworks of operating activities and investment projects (is elaborated on the grounds of STC recommendations No.2 of ROSATOM “Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Fuel Technologies”);
- General provisions on arrangement of development, introduction and application of the improved fuel at Russian NPPs.
Innovative activity in the nuclear industry has crucial significance for long-term competitive ability and business continuity of TVEL Fuel Company because the services and the products of FE NFC form the basis of corporate activity.
As regards active and newly commissioned NPP power units, the activity is aimed at:
- increased burnup fraction of unloaded nuclear fuel;
- improved operating life of FA;
- improvement of nuclear fuel operation reliability;
- proving FA operating efficiency under the conditions of the increased capacity of power units (for VVER-1000 to 107% from Nnom) subject to safety assurance.
New markets entry strategy is ensured by activity aimed at creation of new types of gas centrifuges, improvement of TVSKVADRAT design (for PWR reactors), new types of fuel for research reactors, new cores for nuclear-powered icebreakers.
Major R&D directions:
- design and improvement of nuclear fuel and reactor cores of Russian design (primarily VVER- 1000/1200/1300);
- design of nuclear fuel for Western reactors (PWR);
- design of nuclear fuel for low-capacity nuclear power stations, research reactors and nuclearpowered icebreakers.
- In the reporting period, a trend toward decrease in cases of FA failures is noted on NPP power units with VVER-100.
- Increase in number of failed fuel assemblies on NPP with VVER-1000 reactor was 23.5% in 2018.
- In 2018, the indicator of the parameter “Number of power units VVER-1000 without nuclear fuel failure” was 79%.
- Manufacturing plants carried out remedial actions following the results of the audit by Rosenergoatom Concern JSC, and implemented recommendations based on the results of the partners’ experts visits. Technical documentation (specification, operation manuals, design documentation and production processes) were adjusted. Fuel assemblies’ operation experience proved accuracy of technical solutions underlying the design; design criteria provide compliance with the requirements of the regulatory documents for safe operation of fuel assemblies.
With regard to design and introduction of nuclear fuel and cores of Russian power reactor:
- commencement of operation of the improved TVSA-T mod.2 on the unit No.2 of Temelin NPP (Czech Republic) (improved fuel-element cladding, fuel pellets have no center opening, reinforced frame with 12 spacer grids and 3 mixing grids);
- commencement of operation of TVS-2M (12 pieces) with labyrinth anti-debris filter (ADF-2) on the unit No.1 of Rostov NPP;
- launch of production of the improved TVS-2M (with mixing grids and profiled fuel elements) for operation conditions at the capacity level 107% from nominal capacity;
- completion of operational-life and hydraulic testing of RK and FA prototypes with enhanced water-uranium ratio (outer diameter of fuel elements - 8.9 mm) for Paks NPP and Loviisa NPP;
- completion of the set of studies to substantiate application of the alloys E110 and E125 based on zirconium sponge as the component material of fuel assembly for RBMK-1000.
With regard to development of accident-tolerant fuel:
- implementation of the investment project “Research and development of the process for production of new generation pressurized fuel elements on silicon carbide”;
- production of two experimental fuel assemblies under the investment project “Development of accident-tolerant fuel”. Each assembly contains 24 normal fuel elements for VVER and PWR types with four combinations of cladding materials and fuel composition. Fuel pellets are made both with conventional uranium dioxide and with uraniummolybdenum alloy with the increased density and heat conduction. Claddings are made of zirconium alloy with chromium plate, and of chrome-nickel alloy. Assemblies will be tested in the water loops of the research reactor MIR in the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors SRC JSC.
New manufacture for production of uranium dioxide powders
MSZ PJSC completed construction and installation works and signed the act of acceptance of completed construction for creation of new manufacture for production of dioxide uranium powders (main component for production of nuclear fuel for NPP) using recovery pyrohydrolysis.
Advantages of the recovery pyrohydrolysis technology over other technologies for powder production,:
- simplicity of process flow;
- full automation of production process;
- small-scale reagents base;
- low environmental load.
Commissioning of the recovery pyrohydrolysis plant in 2019 will enable increase in the share of powder production under this technology at MSZ PJSC up to 66%.
Development of the phase 1 of separate assembly complex for TVS-KVADRAT production.
Manufacturing improvements of fuel assemblies for research reactors
The project was implemented at new production facilities of NCCP PJSC with full technological cycle for nuclear fuel production, including raw materials processing and assembling.
Improved facilities ensure manufacturing within one industrial complex of uranium products in the form of uranium oxides, uranium metal, uranium alloys, targets for production of Molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) isotope, fuel elements and fuel assemblies of different design both for domestic and foreign market.
Implementation of the project resulted in decrease by 20% of the production area of technological conversions that provide manufacturing of fuel for research reactors, decrease in process time by more than 40%, increase in useful work share by 27%.
Project implementation ensures entry to the market of fuel for western-design research reactors and the market of targets for production of Mo-99 with subsequent expansion of delivery scope and additional proceeds from sales of “new” products of the project.
NCCP PJSC assembled dummy fuel assembly without lacquer coating
Conventional technology provides for application of lacquer coating at installation of fuel elements into fuel assemblies' frame to avoid their mechanical damages. The process of lacquer application on fuel elements with subsequent drying and washing of fuel assemblies from lacquer coating is rather labor- and cost-intensive.
Specialists of NCCP PJSC and NIiChP LLC elaborated water-dilutable lubricant (SV-1) that allows to refuse from lacquer application at adjustment of fuel assembly. Full-scale dummy fuel assembly with fuel elements without lacquer coating with application of SV-1 lubricant, which was produced under the experimental technology, complies fully with the design documentation. Washing mode ensures the required purity of the fuel assembly surface.
Implementation of the project for creation of the automated section for inspection, cutting and packing of tubular goods
Containments for reactors VVER and RBMK are main products of zirconium alloy by ChMP JSC. Products undergo finishing operations at the section for inspection and packing of the finished products: preliminary visual inspection, ultrasonic and eddy current testing, cutting to the final size, laser marking, length checking, final visual inspection, packing.
The concept of the new project provides for creation of modular flow-line with automated moving of tubes to check stations (area of automated control of VVER tubes) with subsequent delivery to automatic packer. Results of the project implementation,:
- minimization of time for products transportation to the check stages;
- reduction in number of manual relocations;
- equipment is located under the zone principle;
- exclusion of interim inspection operations due to increase in reliability of the equipment;
- decrease in time of in-process warehousing of the products and areas for racks;
- exclusion of manual operation at the stage of packing of the finished products;
- introduction of the advanced decisions of automation at the stages of control and packing of the products.
Within introduction of the improved and new nuclear fuel and cores of NPP with VVER-1000/1200/1300 and VVER-440 reactors:
- development of calculation and design documentation for TVS-2006 and safety justification for transfer of Novovoronezh NPP-2 from 12- to 18-month fuel cycle;
- implementation of the “Program of experimental and theoretical computation studies for justification of extended dry storage of new type fuel assemblies”;
- experimental and calculation studies of re-fabricated fuel elements behavior under conditions of reactivity accident based on tests in MIR reactor in order to ensure licensing of fuel with the enlarged uranium content;
- completion of pilot operation of TVSA-12PLUS on the unit No.3 of Kalinin NPP. Preparation of decision of transfer of all units of Kalinin NPP to TVSA-12PLUS loading;
- elaboration of engineering materials to justify operational capability and safety of pilot operation of fuel elements with REMIX-fuel with TVS-2M;
- justification of pilot operation of the batch of TVS-2M, which consists completely of fuel elements with REMIXfuel, with the core of VVER-1000 reactor, and working out of Supplement to Standard Safety Case List of NPP;
- determination of kinetics of radiation resintering of uranium-gadolinium fuel of VVER with regulated density and submicron porosity within temperature range 650 - 700 °С to ensure design criteria and fuel licensing;
- post-irradiation studies of TVS-2M (with fuel elements with claddings of new zirconium alloys) spent at Balakovo NPP;
- working out of substantiation documentation to start commercial production of the third generation cartridges and implementation of local parameters control on the Units No.3-4 of Kolsk NPP;
- working out of substantiation materials for introduction of jacketless assemblies RK-3+ on Dukovany NPP.
With regard to fuel for fast reactors BN-600 and BN-800:
- implementation of elaborated and approved by Rosatom State Corporation R&D programs for increase of fuel life of BN reactors and formation of BN-800 core with full loading with MOX-fuel.
Owing to current achievements the Russian Federation holds all competences and displays high-scale technological availability to maintain innovative development of two-component nuclear power industry with reactors on fast and slow neutrons with closed nuclear fuel cycle. “Proryv” project is the key component to this strategy implementation; its purpose is to develop the technology and to present the possibility of nuclear fuel cycle closure based on fast-neutron reactors. Closed fuel cycle will make it possible to increase efficiency of application of natural uranium, to solve the problem of SNF accumulation and to provide the mankind with reliable and long-term green power source.
R&D of the project stream “Proryv” in 2018:
- continuation of tests with innovative mixed nitride uranium plutonium fuel (SNUP-fuel), resulting in designed burn-up;
- post-irradiation studies of the irradiated SNUP-fuel, resulting in permit for life extension of ETVS-11 in BN-600;
- development and approval of R&D program on attainment of burn-up range up to 12% ha.
- release of the second draft of FNP (Federal Rules and Regulations) and Standards specific for the objects of new technology platform of nuclear power industry.
- part of design codes required to justify safety of BRESTOD- 300 reactor were verified and submitted to attestation by RTN.
With regard to capital construction in 2018:
- completion of state expert assessment of the adjusted design documentation for construction of the power unit with BREST-OD-300 reactor;
- project documentation for creation of training and information center has been elaborated, examined and approved; the centre is intended for training and maintenance of the required high level qualification of the operating staff of reactor and SNUP-fuel fabrication/ refabrication module.
- completion of delivery of main non-standard equipment for SNUP-fuel fabrication/refabrication module; the delivered equipment is unique and is unrivalled throughout the world;
- completion of construction works of main production building of SNUP-fuel fabrication/refabrication module.
Objectives aimed at strengthening of the Company positions on new markets require rapid growth of scientific and technical potential, which in turn implies need for improvement of R&D, projects, production, economy, promotions and sales management systems. Efforts are being made to adapt the management systems to second business core development objects.
TVEL Fuel Company is engaged in development of innovative areas of activities, such as additive technologies, new materials and alloys, new types of isotope products, energy generators and storage units, small-size gas turbine plants.
The Company intends to increase revenue from sales of innovative products from current level equal to RUB 800 mln to RUB 3.500 bln by 2020, subject to successful implementation of investment projects and implementation of M&A plans.
Creation of new non-nuclear products is accompanied by scientific-research and engineering activity. Scope of financing of non-nuclear businesses R&D in 2018 made RUB 134 mln.
R&D financing is associated with current objectives and plans for coming period. Changing market environment and need for economic risks management are also taken into consideration, that is why scope of R&D financing is subject to adjustment on an annual basis. R&D is being implemented with co-funding on the part of the Ministry of Education.
Amount of co-funding in 2018 made RUB 58 mln.
Main R&D areas for non-nuclear businesses development in 2018:
- development and creation of 3D printer;
- development of low-power gas turbine engines;
- development of technology and creation of pilot-plant for lithium hydroxide production using electrochemical conversion of lithium salts;
- development of extraction technology for lithium isotope separation;
- development of new titanium alloys and articles made therefrom;
- development of mass-produced GC design for separation of isotopes of the 8th group (iridium, nickel);
- experimental irradiation of 62Ni for production of 63Ni and processing of the obtained material;
- development of technology for production of high-capacity condenser-type tantalum powders.
Milestones with regard to development of non-nuclear businesses are presented in the report in the section “Second Core and New Businesses”.
REMIX-fuel is the innovative type of fuel. In January 2018 the scientists of the sectoral research institutes tested the state of the fuel assemblies (standard TVS-2M were loaded) with REMIX-fuel in the reactor of the third unit of Balakovo NPP. The results proved operation capability of the pilot fuel assemblies with innovative fuel, no constraints were found for further operation of assemblies.
In 2019 it is planned to start adjustment of the technologies and production of fuel assemblies consisting completely of REMIX-fuel.
By 2025 it is planned to establish pilot production of REMIX-fuel to provide loading of Russian VVER- 1000/1200 reactor, and to gain reference experience in production and operation of REMIX-TBS.
In case of successful results of the pilot operation, the fuel can be used on VVER-1000/1200 reactors after 2030, and international market entry is possible.
First batch of fuel assemblies with pellet MOX-fuel for BN-800 reactor was produced and tested in 2018 at FSUE MCP - there were manufactured 8 fuel assemblies.
New industrials directions and sales markets for products and services were developed in the vector of accomplishment of strategic goals of Rosatom State Corporation.
For instance, the range of isotope products of PA ECP JSC was enlarged with new isotope – Chrome 50Cr. This is the 21st element of the periodic table within the competence of the isotopic enrichment of the enterprises. On the request of the Institute of Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, that coordinates BEST (one of the most global scientific experiments in the sphere of investigation of properties of the most mysterious for modern physicists elementary particle - neutrino) there was mastered the technology of 50Cr production in the form of chromic anhydride CrO3.
Other advanced projects were also successfully implemented. For the first time in the word specialists of PA ECP JSC developed and implemented the process flow of gas centrifuge nickel enrichment in radioisotope 63Ni.
Large lot of Germanium 76Ge isotope was shipped under the tender for international scientific project LEGEND (GERDA) for investigation of neutrinoless double beta decay properties. Product with enrichment more than 90% was developed and shipped for scientific purposes. Winning of a German tender organized by participants of LEGEND project. Isotope under this contract will be delivered in February 2019.
Conclusion of three-year international contract with the German company Nukem Isotopes GmbH for delivery of Germanium 72Ge isotope, which is used in semiconductor industry for microcircuit production;
In 2019 PA ECP JSC will celebrate the 55th anniversary of adoption of the most efficient gas centrifugal technology. First gas centrifuges started operation on June 4, 1964. This is a millstone for the whole industry, because PA ECP JSC was the first in the world to apply gas centrifugal technology for production of non-uranium isotopes. In October 1971 the enterprise produced several tens of grams of 57Fe Ferrum isotope with 80% enrichment. Today the plant holds the competences for production of 107 stable isotopes in industrial-scale volumes.
As of the end of 2018 TVEL Fuel Company holds 1.774 items of intellectual property. The objects protected by the law include inventions, utility models, production secrets (knowhow), software for electronic computing machines, databases, trademarks and industrial designs.
Assessment of the intellectual property items, the system of identification and legal protection of intellectual property items, created by the enterprises of the Fuel Company, are performed in compliance with the requirements of Russian Federation legislation, Standard Industry Methodological Recommendations and local regulations together with “Nauka and Innovatsii” (Science and Innovations) JSC, the Division for Innovations Managements of Rosatom State Corporation.
Functions of identification and legal protection of the items of intellectual property are assigned to the Patent and Licensing Department of TVEL JSC, as well as to technical departments, development design offices, intellectual property protection teams and patent-information departments of the Company’s enterprises.
VNIINM JSC participates in development of Russian beta-voltaic power source based on tritium. Scientists of the institute are engaged in development of isotope component of this product.
Technology has been suggested by the specialists of VNIINM JSC, and supposes application of radioactive hydrogen isotope - tritium as the power source. Tritium suits perfectly to solve the problem, because it is radioactive (half-life period is 12.3 years), however its beta-radiation is rather mild and does not destroy the structure of semi-conducting materials, which allows preserving of operational characteristics of the battery up to 15 years. Such tiny and trouble-free power source, which is independent of any environmental conditions, is highly-demanded and can be marketable both for space industry and other fields of science and engineering.
For VNIINM JSC participation in this project is the result of longterm engineering study, and contributes to the image making of the whole industry, and on national bases it enables handling of the urgent issue of import-substitution because currently Russia does not manufacture similar electric power supply sources.
During national mining forum “GORPROMEXPO-2018” in Moscow VNIINM JSC, RusAT LLC and Mine Operators of Russia Noncommercial Partnership signed the agreement on innovations.
The main objective of the agreement is coordination of programs and plans of the parties in the sphere of acceleration in scientific and technological development of Russian mining complex based on realization and application of the advanced design-and-engineering and technological solutions, results of scientific research in the field of material science, additive technologies, surface engineering and renovation.
For TVEL Fuel Company this agreement means promotion of own developments and technologies to the new promising market of upgrading of enterprises of the mining complex, import substitution of equipment and products applied for survey, production, processing of mineral resources.
In the opinion of the parties the agreement is considered efficient and mutually beneficial cooperation in scientific-technological and information spheres and the investment project activity for benefit of the innovative development of the mining industry of the Russian Federation.
Items of intellectual property | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
Russian Inventions | 37 | 40 | 25 |
Foreign Inventions | 3 | 1 | 8 |
Russian Utility Models | 3 | 5 | 4 |
Foreign Utility Models | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Russian Industrial Designs | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Foreign Industrial Designs | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Production Secrets (Know-How) | 61 | 62 | 45 |
Application | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
Applications for inventions: Russian | 29 | 21 | 18 |
Applications for inventions: foreign | 12 | 17 | 23 |
Applications for utility models: Russian | 5 | 3 | 3 |
Applications for utility models: foreign | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Applications for software and databases: Russian | 11 | 22 | 17 |
Applications for software and databases: foreign | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Applications for production secrets (know-how) | 9 | 8 | 8 |
Main objectives set to the scientific organizations of Rosatom are connected with promotion of nuclear industry innovative development, growth of competitive ability of Russian products and services on the nuclear power market and on the market of radiation technologies due to improvement of the existing technologies and technical re-equipment of production capacities. These objectives can be accomplished by improvement of research and development efficiency, and by active commercialisation of the research results.
The United R&D Centre (RDC) has been established by TVEL Fuel Company at VNIINM JSC; the high-priority objective of the centre is development of new types of fuel.
Main areas of activity of RDC of TVEL Fuel Company:
- arrangement of R&D activity, identification of innovation direction and efficiency of scientific research results of the Fuel Company enterprises;
- implementation of strategic projects in the area of creation and adoption of new types of nuclear products, gas centrifuges, and improvement of existing productions and technologies, including conversion and enrichment;
- commercialisation of research and development efforts - bringing to the the stage of the profitable final product.
VNIINM JSC is engaged in re-equipment and development of infrastructure of research complex, and provides training and re-training of scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification (on-the-job) under the license to carry out educational activity (d/d May 28, 2015, registration No.1449).
In 2018, VNIINM JSC implemented the following programs:
- “Technical re-equipment of the complex of engineering and superconducting materials, objects of information network of controlled nuclear fusion”.
- “Creation of experimental area for production and research of tubular products on silicon carbide”.
- “Technical re-equipment of laboratory analytical sets of VNIINM JSC”.
Starting from 2014 (in compliance with the Federal law d/d December 29, 2012 No.273-FZ), VNIINM JSC accepts to the graduate studies under the following training programs of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel:
- 14.06.01 – Nuclear, Thermal and Renewable Energy and Related Technologies;
- 18.06.01 – Chemical Technology;
- 22.06.01 – Materials Technology
in compliance with the applicable list of academic specialists under the following scientific specialties:
- 05.14.03 – Nuclear Power Units, including Design, Operation and Decommissioning;
- 05.17.02 – Technology of Rare, Scattered and Radioactive Elements;
- 05.16.01 – Adaptive Metallurgy and Thermal Treatment of Metals and Alloys.
In 2018 seven post-graduates were accepted to the post graduate program of VNIINM JSC.
Two Dissertation Councils function at VNIINM JSC:
- Open Joint Dissertation Council DM 999.185.03 (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No.714/nk d/d November 2, 2012) that admits for consideration and defence dissertations in support of academic degree of candidate of science, in support of academic degree of doctor of science with specialization in 05.17.02 - Technology of Rare, Scattered and Radioactive Elements (engineering science, chemical science).
- Special Dissertation Council (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No.488/нк-дсп d/d July 25, 2014) that admits for consideration and defence dissertations containing information classified as state secret with not higher than “confidential” stamp, in support of academic degree of candidate of science, in support of academic decree of doctor of science with specialization in 05.16.01 - Adaptive Metallurgy and Thermal Treatment of Metals and Alloys (engineering science).
Specialists of VNIINM JSC annually take part in international and Russian conferences, workshops, symposiums, exhibitions. In 2018 representatives of the institute took part in 66 event where 45 - foreign and international, 21 - Russian events. There were submitted 131 reports, including during foreign and international events - 74 reports, during Russian events - 57 reports.
By the order of Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (OIVI RAN) the work was carried out on the theme “Creation of manufacturing science for SNF plasma processing (stages 2017-2018): development of principal process scheme, design of laser evaporator and system of correction of magnetic field”. Purpose of the work:
- creation of the foundation for technology of SNF plasma processing, including development of principal process scheme;
- development of the design of experimental equipment for evaporation of separated composition of substances.
- improvement of the experimental facility for laboratory tryout on inactive materials of plasma separation.
The obtained results can be applied to solve the problems of closed fuel cycle and to improve safety of nuclear industry.
Performance of scientific-research and design-experimental activities on the theme “Development of actinides nitrides oxidation model” under the contract with Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN). Subject of the research - oxidation process (voloxidation) of the spent nuclear fuel in oxygen-carrying gas flow at a high temperature. Goal of the research - development of mathematical model of actinides nitrides oxidation. The work deals with mathematical model of voloxidation process of the mixed uranium-plutonium (SNUP) SNF with application of pilot plant.
Worked out mathematical model allows to estimate the length of the working space of retort, and to calculate concentration distribution of oxygen and unoxidized fuel along the retort axis depending on the process parameters (rotary velocity of retort, delivery rate of fuel assembly fragments into the working volume of the retort).
Non-nuclear businesses are being developed in innovative areas of activities. Participation of the core universities of Rosatom State Corporation makes it possible to attract the most ambitious teams and scientific research results.
In 2018 within the framework of implementation of the investment project “3D-printers production design” R&D was completed for creation of automated complexes of layerby- layer synthesis of geometrically-complex metal parts (3D printer) with involvement of the leading universities of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (MISiS and the Institute of Laser and Welding Technologies of Saint- Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute).
In order to develop academic competences of young specialists VNIINM JSC organized the work of the branch of the academic department No.9 of MEPhI NRNU “Physical Aspects of Material Science”. The lecturers of the branch are leading scientific workers of VNIINM JSC, experts in relevant fields of science. Office of the academic secretary provides organization, coordination and maintenance of the training process of the branch students.
In 2018,10 students received training at the branch of the department (5 students of specialist degree course and 5 students of master’s degree course) under the following programs:
- Special Issues of Material Science;
- Construction Materials of Nuclear Reactors;
- Science of Superconducting Materials/Superconductors Technology
An infant business-accelerator for startups and new ideas started its activity in TVEL Fuel Company. This advanced type of search, selection and financing of innovative projects is intended to provide rapid development of non-nuclear businesses; to reduce the time of production, to promote to disclosure of the best ideas and attraction of specialists both within and outside the Company, to pass to open innovations model. The expected result is increase in revenues from “the second core” of business and increase of share on new markets.
Business-accelerator model of TVEL JSC supposes partial financing of the best projects due to attraction of financial resources on the part of venture funds and development institutions. There are provided different forms of TVEL JSC participation in the investment projects: from equity investment of startup-company to employment of the project team of the authors of the idea.
Following the results of the pilot cycle of businessacceleration, volume of client agreement amounted to more than RUB 3 bln, confirmed proceeds on the methods of TVEL JSC business-accelerator is estimated almost to RUB 300 mln, and nearly RUB 150 mln of investment money budgeted for the projects prior to acceleration program were saved on creation of products prototypes.
During the first cycle of business-acceleration, from September to December 2018, there were filed 42 applications, and 16 of them were admitted to face-to-face review stage. Following the results of selection seven projects passed acceleration, and three projects proceeded to investment stage. Among the submitted project there are: Chinese bushings and implants of zirconium dioxide for oil industry and medicine, multipurpose plasma cutter for deep-water operations, titanium powders for 3D-print, electrolysis unit for production of high-purity hydrogen, drilling mud cleaning system, and FDM technology for 3D-printing
Later on in order to attract participants and receive applications to accelerator it is planned to create specialized web-portal, and now an application for review by the experts of accelerator can be filed by e-mail: ba@tvel.ru